Aug 27, 2023
Joe and Dexter actually kinda sorta talk about a Grayzone
article about the war in Bosnia, but end up so stuck in the details
that we only really get to it tangentally.|
That article is here:
If you are an UstaĊĦe enjoyer, please email in...
Feb 1, 2022
Dex, Ted, and Joe discuss the book Holy Blood, Grail.
Sorry, this was recorded late December, but got held up in
edititing because I moved. Say mean things to me in the
Deep Soy's stuff can be found here and on Lovecrypt:
One of the opening songs and the closing song are...
Jul 24, 2020
Joe and Dex discuss John Titor, time travelling, QAnon, and the
way the communities that form around these characters can became as
or more significant than the actual characters.
Deep Soy's stuff can be found here and on Lovecrypt:
The opening and closing songs are his.
Thanks to Ted...
Feb 17, 2020
Ted, Dex, and Joe start of talking about some guy named B*ttigieg and no one can pronounce it. Then a Big Dream, then over an hour of increasingly hot takes until we finally have to end the show lest our streak ends.
this is a good one y'all
sounds by @Deepsoy
Aug 6, 2019
In this episode, which absolutely isn't episode 13, and thus is not cursed, Joe, Dex, and Adam discuss the work of David Paulides on disappearances in national parks.